A Prayer for Teachers, Mamas, And Anyone Who Wants To Give Up
By: Maggie Meadows Cooper
Do not let yourself get discouraged by doing good. If you don’t give up, you will reap the rewards. – Galatians 6:9
A few weeks back, I received a note from an ex-student. Because of the beautiful one it was from, it made my heart smile. He was a big boy. Although he was smarter than a whip, he was still a challenge every day. He was a master at listening comprehension, imagination, creativity and math. Reading and his behavior were another story. I let him sleep for short periods of time when he was needed. He arrived tired almost every day. His mom worked late at several jobs. He stated that he would wait patiently for her. Sometimes, a hug and sleep are the most important things. As I read his letter, I thought back to these fond memories and smiled. When I read his letter, my eyes were filled with tears. “I appreciate that you never gave up on me,”
Wow. Wow. I don’t. And I won’t. However, I won’t. He wasn’t the only one who was challenging me in that class. He wasn’t the only one who didn’t get enough sleep. There were also days when I felt just plain tired. I was tired of it all. It’s exhausting to work all day teaching and then to return home to my family, husband, children, housework, and to grade more papers.
Every teacher understands what I mean (the stories that we could share). Every mama knows what my talking about (yes, stories too). Anyone who has ever believed in yourself even when all else tells you to stop, knows what I mean.
There are students that you don’t feel you can reach. It seems that there are many children who will never be able to follow instructions. Many relationships, jobs and dreams seem dead ends. Sometimes, it seems like there is no light at end of the tunnel.
All of this is true for me. However, I know that God places people, situations, and tasks in our lives to fulfill His purposes, regardless of how difficult. We sometimes end up in places we do not want to be if we place our trust in His will and His plans. I know because I have been there. I am certain that He will give us strength and power to persevere. Here are some reasons I believe it’s worthwhile.
1. There are Will Be a harvestIf we don’t give up, then it is possible to win.
Do not let yourself get discouraged by doing good. If you don’t give up, you will reap the rewards. – Galatians 6:9
This verse hangs in my house and is on my desk at work. It serves as a reminder every day. It helps me to remember that when I’m feeling tired and frustrated or out of ideas, it is there for me.Don’t let your guard down. When I declare that “it’s” not going to happen, it doesn’t matter how long I wait.When the right time is right, you will reap a harvest. When I’m ready to give up…If you don’t give up, you will succeed.
For all the hard work we put in, it is possible to not be acknowledged. We might not get noticed or applauded by the masses. We might not even get a thank you for our efforts. However, He sees us. He is the most important.
2. We can do anything with all of our hearts… For the Lord.
“Whatever you do – work hard at it, as if you were doing so for God and not for others.” – Colossians 3:23
Do whatever you want. Teaching, changing diapers or cooking dinner, taking care of the kids, driving to work, paying the bills, disciplining them, etc. With all of your heart.
Don’t do it for people, but the Lord. This is just too hard! Because the Lord isn’t visible. It doesn’t feel like He’s right there beside us all the time. And people…are people. They are often demanding and selfish.
However, this is not an option. When you feel like it. If you have the time and it doesn’t interfere with your plans. Nope. No. We love Jesus and are called to work for Him in all that we do. Period.
3. And most importantly, Jesus hasn’t given up on us… so we shouldn’t give up on others.
“I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway…Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? We praise God! Thank God! Jesus Christ Our Lord.” Romans 7:18, 24-25
Every day I make mistakes. Every. Single. Day. Tomorrow is not looking so good. I will do what is right. I desire to be like Jesus. However, somewhere in my brain and between my mouth and my actions…some signals get crossed. Words can come out wrong. My selfish nature wins. I choose to work for myself and not for others. I complain. Some days it isn’t pretty.
Thanks be to God, I can be saved from this death by the one who saves me… Jesus. And because He forgives and loves me, shows mercy and grace on my worst days… I will do my best to do the same thing for others.
Let’s pray:
I’m tired, and frankly, I’m ready to give in some days. You can help me find people to support me and to point me to you, as I try to love other people as you do. You inspire me to choose to be faithful, hopeful, and persistent in my search for you, even on the hardest days. Let me follow your lead and know that all my hard work has not gone unnoticed. Let me show grace and mercy to others and myself, as well as to you. We are grateful for everything you have done and will continue to do.
In Your Mighty Name
Photo credit: ©SalemDesign
Maggie Meadows Cooper A wife, mother, educator, author and blogger, she longs to see women grow a love for Jesus and others. She is the author of the children’s book “Bumper” and blogs at The Little Moments about what the Lord is teaching her through her children and everyday life. She is a contributor to Blogs by Christian Women and Devotional Diva. She Disciples and Connecting Ministries. An educator with a master’s degree in education. Auburn University (War Eagle) – Early Childhood Education!She has 20 years of experience working closely with children. She is a lover of chocolate and real Coca-Cola. She lives in Opelika with her husband and three children.
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